Thank you and congratulations! Infinity is a winner!

Dear Infinity Festival delivery partners, funders, champions, supporters and ambassadors,

For those of you not permanently glued to Twitter, I’m delighted to announce that September’s Infinity Festival has picked up another internal award at The University of Manchester, this time winning a Making a Difference Award for staff contribution to widening participation.

The award reflects and recognises the enormous contribution by absolutely everyone who played a part in the event. Thank you again for your contribution. We should all be very proud.

To put this in context, we’re the largest university in the UK with over 40,000 students and 12,000 staff, where widening participation has always been an important part of our fabric. The projects shortlisted for Making a Difference Awards deliver significant impact at a local, national and international level. They make very impressive reading so it’s a great achievement to be included.

It also serves to put Cumbria on the map as a region with a strong community and loads of potential, where we can collaborate effectively and where all the delivery partners are committed to making a difference.

Please pass this on to those I have undoubtedly missed in my haste to spread the news. You can catch up in the Twittersphere by searching #MaDAwards (which was trending on Tuesday evening)!

Unfortunately we were not shortlisted for the NEON awards (national widening participation awards) but feedback was that we were a strong contender so that just gives us something else to aim for in future.

Best wishes,
