St Paul’s Way Summer Science School features in Evening Standard
Professor Brian Cox has been interviewed on the summer science......
On the 20th and 21st July 2012 St Paul’s Way Trust School held its inaugural Summer Science School, hosted by Professor Brian Cox, a Patron of the School, and will include a distinguished list of leading scientists discussing subjects as varied as “Exploring the Universe”, to “Science and Business”, through to the workings of the human nose.
This was a truly inspirational event for the students and guests, that showed passion at the heart of science, and its potential to change lives.
Professor Paul Brickell, executive director for Regeneration and Community Partnerships at the London Legacy Development Corporation, gave an excellent presentation on how the Faraday Centre and the Science Summer School fit within both the history and the new emerging science and technology hubs in the Lower Lea Valley.
Professor Brian Cox has been interviewed on the summer science......
Click on the image to download the full programme –......